Media Highlights

Veterinary practices, animal shelters at odds over Colorado ballot question

Animal care groups disagree over whether creating a veterinary associates role will help or hurt industry practices in Colorado. Click here to view the full article.

Sheldon: Proposition 129 is dangerous for your pets

With so much on the ballot this Nov. 5, it is easy to overlook things. As a veterinarian who has devoted his career to caring for your pets, I wanted to alert you to one item: Proposition 129. Prop 129 seeks to create a new paraprofessional in the veterinary field called a veterinary professional associate. Under […]

Karen McCormick: Colorado Proposition 129 will not help animals

For 40 years as a veterinarian, compassionate animal care has been my calling. As a state representative, we have explored the idea of a Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA), in Proposition 129, for three years. After hundreds of hours researching, listening to experts, veterinary economists, the FDA, the USDA, universities, accreditation teams, veterinary liability providers, professional […]

Our suggestions on the 2024 ballot issues | Cronin and Loevy

Here are our views for the 2024 Colorado state and Colorado Springs ballot issues. We summarize each proposed measure, then indicate our personal vote and finally offer our prediction of what the public vote will be. Colorado state issues Amendment G: Modify Property Tax Exemption for Veterans with Disabilities. Proposed by the legislature. 55% vote […]

Dear Editor: Vote no on Ballot Measure 129

Dear Editor: In the upcoming election next month there is ballot measure to create a “mid-level veterinary practitioner” in the State of Colorado. This measure is almost uniformly opposed by veterinarians across the state and country including the American Veterinary Medical Association, the Colorado VMA, the Independent Veterinary Practitioners Association, the American College of Veterinary […]

Proposition 129 outcome to impact future of Colorado’s veterinarian shortage

In November, Colorado voters can expect a ballot measure that supporters say will help with the state’s veterinarian shortage. However, those opposed to the measure believe it will put pets at risk more than it would help. There are about 3,800 vets in the state for 2.5 million dogs and cats, and that doesn’t include horses and […]

Proposition 129 is a dangerous step backward for veterinary care

For more than 40 years, I have committed my life to veterinary medicine, having served on the faculties of leading universities and practicing as an equine veterinarian across the country. Since receiving my doctorate in veterinary medicine from Colorado State University in 1978, I’ve seen the critical importance of rigorous education, extensive hands-on experience and […]

Pets and Vets, Proposition 129 could change who is qualified to treat your pet

DENVER — A proposition on November’s ballot could change who treats your pets. Colorado Proposition 129 will ask voters whether the state should establish the position of a veterinary professional associate. What could this mean for the future of pet healthcare? Will Proposition 129 help or harm pets? Colorado veterinarians are at odds over it. […]

McCormick: Ballot question not the solution to rural vet shortage

Rep. Karen McCormick, D-Dist. 11, said the frustrating thing about the possibility of the veterinary professional associate or VPA being created via ballot proposal is the lack of research and expertise at play. If passed, Colorado Proposition 129 would allow non-veterinarians to diagnose, prognose, recommend treatment plans and perform surgeries. The measure is vehemently opposed […]

Bonus Episode: Discussion on the Proposed Veterinary Professional Associate

Today we have a bonus episode of My Veterinary Life Podcast. We are joined by two special guests Drs. Melanie Marsden and Jennifer Bosler to discuss the proposed creation of a new Veterinary Professional Associate (VPA). During the conversation we discuss what a proposed VPA is, why this is important timing in Colorado and much […]

This November, our pets depend on us to reject Proposition 129

As a veterinarian serving equine patients and their owners across Colorado, I have a unique perspective on the dangers posed by Proposition 129, and I feel compelled to speak out about the serious risks it presents to the health and safety of animals across our state.

GUEST COLUMN: I’m a Colorado shelter vet who opposes Proposition 129

As a shelter veterinarian in Colorado, I have dedicated my career to caring for the most vulnerable population of animals in our state.

Opinion: We elect people to make laws like Prop. 129. Vote no.

This election season voters are being asked to make laws governing wildlife management, the state budget, and occupational licensure. Don’t we pay people to do this work? Turns out we do! Colorado legislators earn an average of $42,738 a year to pour over information about the costs and benefits of proposed laws, hear from stakeholders, […]

EDITORIAL: NO on Proposition 129 — for the sake of Colorado’s animals

Coloradans love their dogs, cats and other pets. Two of every three households in our state own at least one. Coloradans also appreciate the other domesticated animals that play roles in our lives, like horses and of course livestock.

COLUMN: Voters shouldn’t decide future of veterinary medicine

There is a veterinary care ballot question going before voters in November, backed by Gov. Jared Polis and Heidi Ganahl. It is, once again, a perfect illustration of why Colorado’s citizen-led ballot proposal question must be remedied. Rep. Karen McCormick, a retired veterinarian, brought forward HB24-1048 Providing Veterinary Services Through Telehealth and HB24-1047 Veterinary Technician […]

Proposition 129 could change delivery of veterinary care in Colorado

DENVER — This fall, Colorado voters will decide a ballot measure that supporters say will help alleviate the state’s veterinarian shortage. But opponents say it will make things worse and put pets in danger.

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